Sunday, 18 September 2016

Say it how it is Sundays - Being the perfect traveller

Hello everyone,

As I have been busy soaking up the sun in beautiful Majorca and as I couldn't quite commit to taking any personal technological devices to a foreign land I have been offline for a few days...but I'm back now. 😍

Back for a second instalment it's, Say it how it is Sunday's. As I have not long come back from my holibobs you can probably guess what this weeks topic will be about. So without further a do, here is my top ten dos and don'ts of being the perfect traveller, with out the sugarcoating!!

1) For those travelling by air, if your seat allocation is towards the back of the aircraft & the only door that opens is the front, remember rows 1 exit first, then rows 2, then 3,4,5 and so on. Don't be rude you'r all going to be walking to the same place anyway so be patient and sit your ass down.

2) we're all excited about going on holiday, there's no need to become leary. It's off putting for the cabin crew trying to do their jobs. Also as we all have different opinions as to what we all consider fun be wary of the people around you. Some people may not react well to overly excitable child like adults singing various football chants or using the F word more than once in a single sentence. We can all hear you! Be respectful.

3) If a person in a row before you lets you pass, you treat them like royalty or at least say thank you. It goes a long way!

4) when waiting for your luggage - if you see your case on the conveyer belt, the most appropriate words to use are, excuse me. A rugby tackle to the front of the queue will get you nowhere fast.

5) when travelling by air - when you see that seatbelt sign light up above your head that means sit your ass down and fasten up. It does not mean time to go to the toilet. Although I do enjoy seeing these people fall over in the aisles when encountering turbalance. They won't be doing that again!

6) when it comes to taking liquids through security, don't be surprised when your asked to put your liquids into a clear plastic bag. We all know the score there. *hint* if you have to take liquids for any reason, put these in a clear bag before you go or in a separate compartment to your other items. Nobody wants to stand around waiting for you to pull your life out of your hand luggage.

7) if you did not pay to select your seat, don't expect anyone to move for you. Unless your parted from your child or helping those less able before, during and after the flight nobody's moving for you.  I don't care if your an A-Z list celebrity if I've paid for my seat - it's my seat!

8) Being pregnant is not classed as a disability. If your in your last trimester don't ask for airport assistance. It's meant for people with actual disabilities. If you are traveling by air because you have to, walk slow and rest as much as you can. Some airports have a small amount of wheelchairs, someone who is less mobile may suffer because of your actions. Think about it.

9) Nervous passengers- you will not and never will be sat in the extra space seats. I don't care if sitting at the front calms you. If your not capable of flying with out your nerves getting the better of you, you are not capable of saving my life in an emergency. Forget it!!

10) getting drunk on a plane - remember, the altitude will change your alcohol tolerance. Don't risk your flight being diverted because your trying to keep up with the lads. The pilot has the right to divert his aircraft if he no longer wishes for you to be his passenger. So be mindful and don't get too drunk. It ruins your holiday and delays everyone else's. Think before you drink!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed,

Love Natalie xx

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