Monday, 19 September 2016

what happens when this mom gets sick?

Good Morning, Evening or Night, depending on your current location.

Today has been a very chilled day for me and Cerys. As we're both spread across the sofa, (well I am and she's cuddled into me) we're also both full of sniffles, heavy eyes and we have the most annoying tickly cough - Today is not a day to be productive.

We are watching back to back episodes of my little pony, getting plenty of rest and getting all snug like a bug in a rug. I have little to zero energy to pick any toys up from the ground. I should probably make a start on the washing I've accumulated since I returned from my travels. lets just pause and think for a slight moment how amazing life would be if the washing fairy actually did exist.

As we both battle against this vile infection we will do nothing. nothing at all. Yes, that's right. you are currently reading a blog about me doing nothing. I know what I will do though. I will make tomato soup- okay so I might do a little Today.  Anyone else have tomato or chicken soup every time they were ill when they were younger? or was that just me?

As I am still on maternity, I feel lucky that I don't have to fight this off in my place of work. Before princess Cerys arrived into the world, I didn't have time to be ill. even when I was ill I was too busy to dwell. now I'm on the sofa, I feel the effects of this cold a lot more but I get to rest (as much as Cerys will allow) and have lots of cuddles. win win.

Of course, as all moms will know. we don't really have time to be ill so I am now going to end this blog and have a few zzz's while Cerys sleeps and before my partner in crime comes home from work. Men never understand that woman also get ill so I shall not try to confuse him too much by not being productive enough to cook his dinner and doing the bare minimum when it comes to cleaning. moms never really have a day off.

What do you like to do when your ill? let me know in the comments below,

Love Natalie xx

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