Evening everyone, How the devil are you all?
Isn't it strange how quick the day goes when you have children. One little task turns into a full blown list of things to do and nothing ever seems to be getting done. Even when your in the middle of doing something it just does not seem to be getting done. I'm sure the clothes pile is growing in front of my eyes. Clothes that need to be put in the washing machine, clothes that need ironing. clothes everywhere. It really isn't fair. where's the cleaning fairy (alternatively known as mother) when you need her?
So Today, I had an entire list of pampering goals that I wanted to get ticked off. You see, it had been arranged all week that mini me would spend all day with her grandparents today and stay the night. With her Gran picking her up at 3pm after she'd finished work, I counted down the minutes until I could get some valuable me time.
Of course I absolutely love spending every minute of every day with Cerys but I sometimes forget about what I need and I definitely need some TLC.
Before I get some alone time with me, myself & I, we get some stuff done. When I say stuff, what I really mean is next to nothing. If you have a baby that is quite clingy you'll know my difficulty. Before I can get her baby bag packed, I have to somehow occupy her. I could have a million and 1 toys in my arms, the only thing my child wants is to be picked up. For some things this is fine but when your trying to run around the house looking for hidden clothes and objects, carrying a baby makes this task harder than it needs to be.
Luckily for me, we have things called Naps in our house. Thank goodness for those!!
After her bottle, she's out for the count. of course I still have to sing something to prove I'm there. I swear babies have a sixth sense. I can now get on with some things. So I pack her things, I organise her outfits and do some tidying.
Isn't it strange how quick the day goes when you have children. One little task turns into a full blown list of things to do and nothing ever seems to be getting done. Even when your in the middle of doing something it just does not seem to be getting done. I'm sure the clothes pile is growing in front of my eyes. Clothes that need to be put in the washing machine, clothes that need ironing. clothes everywhere. It really isn't fair. where's the cleaning fairy (alternatively known as mother) when you need her?
So Today, I had an entire list of pampering goals that I wanted to get ticked off. You see, it had been arranged all week that mini me would spend all day with her grandparents today and stay the night. With her Gran picking her up at 3pm after she'd finished work, I counted down the minutes until I could get some valuable me time.
Of course I absolutely love spending every minute of every day with Cerys but I sometimes forget about what I need and I definitely need some TLC.
Before I get some alone time with me, myself & I, we get some stuff done. When I say stuff, what I really mean is next to nothing. If you have a baby that is quite clingy you'll know my difficulty. Before I can get her baby bag packed, I have to somehow occupy her. I could have a million and 1 toys in my arms, the only thing my child wants is to be picked up. For some things this is fine but when your trying to run around the house looking for hidden clothes and objects, carrying a baby makes this task harder than it needs to be.
Luckily for me, we have things called Naps in our house. Thank goodness for those!!
After her bottle, she's out for the count. of course I still have to sing something to prove I'm there. I swear babies have a sixth sense. I can now get on with some things. So I pack her things, I organise her outfits and do some tidying.
At 2pm I figured, you know what, I'm going to whiten my teeth, I was feeling productive. That was until Cerys woke up. If you've ever looked after a child of any age in your entire life, you'll know that they only want what you have. So when she took one glance at my blue light dangling out of my gob, she had to have it. I left it in my mouth for as long a it needed to be though, but the difficulty of attempting to b-e-a-utiful when your a mamma is 11/10!!

Her Grandmother came to pick her up, and as glad as I was to see
her go I couldn't wait for her to come home. Until then, I was going to take this time to shave, wax, blowdry, curl, paint etcetera. UNTIL, I sit down for a self promised five minutes, that's turned into back to back episodes of the big bang theory followed by a well deserved long nap.
Now the whole day has vanished. and the only pampering I've managed to fit in is a quick shower. luckily for me, my thoughtful other half has decided to cheer me up with a takeaway for dinner. how could I say no?
Anyway, as I ramble my way through to the earths core I just wanted to share with you the difficulty of being a beauty blogger when you have a young'un. I do this for me because I love to write and I'm a creative person. I just hope that people don't mind me being a little less, 'full makeup' faced on some occasions because some days, I value naps more.
Love Natalie xx
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